The BEST workout app for female fitness & your personal trainer wherever you are!
Sweat with the personal trainer to achieve health and fitness goal with only 7-minute workout every day! It helps train your body and burn your calories, day by day you will get a perfect S shape. Do each move in quick succession, then jump at the chance to show off your sexy body.
Want your body like models? This is your best choice!
Want your body like the letter"s"? Dont miss this app!
√ 80+ workouts designed for women
√ Personalized for YOU — custom program based on your parameters
√ Bodyweight exercises for upper body, abs, waist, thighs and butt
√ Work out to your favorite songs
√ Get weight loss and fitness inspiration. Share your story with others
The large database of exercises and workouts includes vigorous interval and strength training + stretches for the ultimate fat-blasting and size-dropping results.
Not sure where to start? Enter your parameters, and we’ll suggest workouts for your body type and goals.
Know what you want? Create your custom workout. Add your favorite songs to the playlist and get started!